Scragh Bog is one of the best illustrations in Ireland of the transition from alkaline fen to acidic raised bog and one of the few remaining in Europe.
It contains a large number of uncommon plants and insects which are rare in Europe. The bog is rated as being of international importance. The greater part of the bog was purchased by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council with funds generously provided by the Dutch Foundation for the Conservation of Irish Bogs. It was then handed over to the State for management as a Nature Reserve.
Scaragh Bog is a perfect activity to see the woodlands of Mullingar. The fen bog is among the rarest of its kind in the world, and features a beautiful, looped boardwalk, complete with outdoor classroom and a viewing platform over the living, actively-growing raised bog. It’s well worth a visit if you are looking for an unusual and interesting walk.
Birds that you can see in Scragh Bog include Skylark and Common Snipe. Plants include Sphagnum Moss, Sundew and the notable species Round-leaved Wintergreen. Source from National Park and Wildlife Service.
Scragh Bog is located off the N4 and near Lough Owel.
Image from Heritage In Schools